Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Electric Blanket Shrub/Groundcover Rose

Electric Blanket Rose

Electric Blanket Rose, a shrub/groundcover type of rose, has clusters of lightly scented coral colored double flowers. The foliage is glossy dark green and highly disease resistant, making this rose relatively maintenance free. It's growth habit is low to the ground, reaching only 2'-3' in height, making it a good choice for small spaces. Uses include slopes, rock gardens, or just as a front for taller hybrid teas or other tall rose bushes or perennials. As with all roses, they prefer full sun, regular fertilization, and 1" of water a week for best flower production. Calico suggests you come in and see these beauties before they are sold out!

By Sandy Weinkam
Gardening Expert at AJ Rahn Greenhouses

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Delosperma - Ice Plant

Delosperma or Hardy Ice Plant is a perennial succulent.This is a great groundcover for rock gardens or for slopes. It takes heat well, and needs very little water to keep looking good. This plant is hardy for zones 5-11. Their bloom time is from late spring through summer.
The ice plant needs full sun and well drained soil, and watered when completely dry. Too frequent watering may cause the roots to rot.
Whether grown in containers or in the landscape, this is a great plant to grow.

By Gayla Parker
Gardening Expert at A.J. Rahn Greenhouses

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Calico's Pick of the Week


The colorful croton is an attractive indoor houseplant. The more light these plants receive, the more colorful they are. During the warm summer months, using the croton as an accent plant in your landscape, whether in the ground or potted on your deck or patio, adds color and an exotic look.
To keep these beauties happy and healthy, give them a monthly shower and keep the soil evenly moist. Use an all purpose fertilizer during the spring and summer growing period.

By Doris Koop
Gardening expert at A.J. Rahn Greenhouses

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Calico's Pick of the Week


Cannas are tropical flowering plants with large leaves and gladiolas-like flowers. They are grown as annuals in Cincinnati, however the bulbs can be dug up in the fall and stored indoors, then replanted the next spring. A must have for your summer garden, they are easy to grow and low maintenance. Check out our fine selection of varieties from tall stately Praetoria, which grows to 6', to the beautiful Chocolate Sunrise which grows to 3'. They do well planted in the ground or in large containers with other flowering or foliage plants.

By Michelle Lynn
Gardening expert at A.J. Rahn Greenhouses