Thursday, July 23, 2009

Perennial Plants

Perennial Plants

Perennial plants, those that come back year after year, can be used to create colorful gardens throughout the early spring through fall season. Some varieties thrive in full sun, while others prefer part to full shade.
Some full sun varieties such as Cranesbill (Hardy Geranium) and Platycodon (Balloon Flower), give long lasting color all season. New varieties of coneflower (Echinacea) called 'Mac N Cheese' and 'Tomato Soup' have "deliciously" vibrant colors! A dwarf variety of butterfly bush (Buddleia), 'Lo and Behold', displays beautiful blue flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds.
Some of the more popular part shade perennials such as Heuchera (Coral Bells) and a plethora of Hosta varieties will provide season long color with their foliage.
An added bonus to a majority of perennials is their ability to be divided and planted in other areas of your garden or shared with neighbors and friends. They can be planted spring, summer, or fall, but are best divided during the spring season.
Calico suggests you stop by to see our selection before they disappear!

By Gayla Parker
Gardening Expert at A.J. Rahn Greenhouses

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Jade Plant - Crassula ovata

Jade Plant
Crassula ovata

The Jade plant may be one of the most familiar houseplants, with it's thick branches and succulant dark green leaves. It is very adaptable to low or high light, but does best when it receives bright indirect light. As with most succulants, the jade prefers to dry out between waterings, and overwatering will lead to stem rot.
Fertilize during the growing season with an all purpose houseplant fertilizer according to directions on the package, but refrain from fertilizing during the fall and winter months.
Mature plants will bloom with hundreds of star shaped white to pale pink blossoms. Cool, dry conditions for several weeks followed by regular watering will help trigger blooming.

By Doris Koop
Gardening Expert at A.J. Rahn Greenhouses

Monday, July 6, 2009

Calico's Pick of the Week

Flowering Maple-Chinese Lantern
Abutilon hybridum

The flowers of this plant resemble a cross between a Hibiscus and a Hollyhock. Abutilon come in many colors including white, red, yellow, and shades of peach. The leaves are a pale green, but also come in a variegated form.
They perform best in partial sun, as high heat may force them out of bloom. Fertilize them monthly with 20-20-20 all purpose plant food. Keep soil evenly moist.
These upright growers make great container plants with their abundant blooms and unusual texture!

By: Michelle Lynn
Gardening expert at A.J. Rahn Greenhouses

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Daylilies Hemerocallis

Daylilies - Hemerocallis

Daylilies have been cultivated for over 2500 years and are a very low maintenance perennial. They are available in a rainbow of colors , with the exception of blue. Some bloom only once a season, others are repeat bloomers, and a few will bloom all summer long. Some are fragrant, while others will hold a bloom for more than a single day.They are hardy in zones 3-9, and vary in height from 12" -36". In the landscape they prefer rich, well drained soil in full to part sun. Water requirements are not overly agressive as they do quite well on average watering(in ground- about twice a week if no rainfall has occurred). They also attract butterflies and hummingbirds, making your garden come alive with even more color!

By: Sandy Weinkam
Gardening expert at A.J. Rahn Greenhouses