Friday, January 30, 2009

Susan's Classroom - Cyclamen

It's cyclamen time. They are absolutely beautiful. Just come in and see the color. It's a sight to behold. We had them at Christmas with all the poinsettias but now we have all of them blooming and they do make a show.

Cyclamen are easy to care for. Their main requirement is a cool location. They love a semi-sunny room with temps in the 60's or even 50's. Anything above 70 degrees and they are not "happy campers".

When watering, feel the soil. If the soil is wet or if you're not sure if it is wet, don't water. If the soil feels dry, water well.

Sometimes you might find you've missed a watering and they are flat on the pot. They look dead! Go ahead and water well. It will take maybe as many as eight hours for them to perk up but they will perk up.

Many customers tell us they have their cyclamen for a couple of years. Then there are some who struggle to keep them for one week. It's usually a temperature issue -- too warm!

Don't expect cyclamen to bloom in spring or summer. They can, but this is not their "agenda". They are normally dormant in the summer. Their bloom time is late fall to winter. They look dead in the pot spring and summer. Place the pot on a tilt outdoors in the shade, water occasionally. In late August, set the pot upright, water regularly, fertilize lightly and you should have color again in later October.