Sunday, October 25, 2009

Homalomena 'Emerald Gem'

Heart Leaf Homalomena
'Emerald Gem'

This plant is a relative of the Philodendron family, and is native to the deep shade forests of South America. The heart shaped foliage of the Emerald Gem variety is a deep green with a waxy look. It will grow in lower light situations than most foliage plants, but grows best with moderate indirect light.
If you keep the soil evenly moist, fertilizing lightly during winter months, more regularly during the growing season, this houseplant will grace your home for many years. The Homalomena is a slow grower, however, so choose a plant at about the size you need for the space you want to place it in.

By Doris Koop
Gardening Expert at A.J. Rahn Greenhouses

Perennial Sedum


Sedum grow in a wide range of heights and spread. From very low creeping groundcover varieties, to tall upright varieties, these hardy perennials are perfect for most gardens. Their thick fleshy leaves indicate a wonderful water retention ability even in the most severe drought.
Low spreading types make a tight weed resistant groundcover or weep gracefully over rock walls in sunny dry areas. Many of this type are evergreen and bloom in early summer.
Upright varieties come in short to very tall heights and have a more clump forming habit, some clumps large enough to be more like a shrub. The flower heads begin forming during the summer, then explode in colors of pinks and burgundy just in time for autumn leaf changing season.
All sedum varieties are low maintenance, requiring little water or fertilizer to thrive in your garden.

By Sandy Weinkam
Gardening Expert at A.J. Rahn Greenhouses