Monday, April 12, 2010

White Daffodils

Spring Daffodils

Early spring flowers are in their final stages, and after Easter flower rush week, we are moving forward into mid spring second round plantings of many annuals, vegetables and herbs. The third wave of lettuce has been seeded, and the first two sets have sold out. We are waiting for the plants to get big enough to put out for sale. Basil, cilantro, parsley and other herbs have been seeded, as well as squash varieties of vegetables, eggplant and many more. Tomatoes and pepper seedlings were transplanted from seed trays to peat pots. With over 20 varieties of tomatoes and 20 varieties of peppers, this took more than a week of continuous planting.
Also on the list of plantings were patio pots of double impatiens and New Guinea impatiens. The impatiens bags planted three weeks ago are coming along nicely and filling out all their little niches. The never ending planting of petunias goes on and on. Tops on the list last week was the start of the wave petunia plantings. This will probably take up to two weeks to complete.
To keep up with our planting team, someone has to make up the soil mixes, fill pots and flats, tag each pot, then move them into their growing houses. Many hands go into accomplishing all these tasks to get the plants to retail, and everyone pitches in. Whatever needs to be done at any given moment to keep the flow going, someone will pitch in to keep the ball rolling.
On sunny days, which we've had a lot of recently, watering becomes a top priority. All those plants being planted won't amount to much if not watered when they need it. Sometimes planters have to stop to help water to keep up. Some plants will not need to be watered as often as others, but on sunny warm days almost everything will need a drink at least once a day, and seeds won't germinate without being kept moist.
Finally, most of our nursery stock came in last week, including lilacs, forsythia, and viburnum, all of which are blooming now in the neighborhood. Also, creeping phlox is looking like lovely carpets out in the yards and ours are ready as well. Roses have been put out for sale this past week, and everyone is anxious to get their hands on the newest varieties such as yellow Monkey Business and Ch Ching.

By: The Production Staff