Sunday, February 27, 2011


Sinningia speciosa

Gloxinia plants are closely related to African Violets, and take the same general care that violets do. They are tuberous plants that need bright indirect light. If you don't provide enough light, these plants will stretch and probably not bloom. As with violets, allow the surface of the soil to dry to the touch before watering them thoroughly. Warm water is usually best and try not to get it on the foliage or the crown. They prefer temperatures in the mid 60's, but when dormant, keep them at 50 F. To raise humidity levels around the plants, use pebble trays with water just enough to barely cover the pebbles. Do not mist these plants to increase humidity! A general purpose houseplant fertilizer will do quite well while the plant is growing and blooming to keep it looking it's best.
Gloxinias need a well drained soil like violets do, and are best repotted when the plant goes dormant. You can start new plants from leaf cuttings like African violets, and they normally bloom for 6-8 weeks.
To bring your plant to dormancy, after all blooms are finished water less and less frequently each week until the leaves turn yellow and dry. Store in a cool(40-50F) place. After several months, new growth will start to appear. At this point, begin watering and fertilizing, and place in the bright indirect light and warmer temperature. You will be rewarded with another round of beautiful blooms once again!