Tuesday, August 16, 2011

August Lily

August Lily

The August Lily, blooming now in many gardens, has many common names by which it is known, depending on what part of the country it is growing in. Known as the Surprise Lily, the Magic Lily, the Naked Lily, or the Assumption Lily, as well as August Lily, this hardy bulb is very long lived. In my own father's garden, this flower has been showing off every year since he was a small boy, and he is now 86 years old! Each year the clumps multiply with more flowers, yet never take over and crowd out other plants.
In early spring, deep green strap-like foliage appears for 6-8 weeks, then dies completely to the ground. Not until early August do you see any activity in the soil where the foliage was, then almost like magic, the leafless 24" stem of the flower stalk appears, taking only about a week to reach full size and bloom! On each flower stalk are up to 8 lily like pink-lavender outward facing flowers. These will bloom for up to three weeks if the weather isn't too hot. They prefer sun to part sun, and may not bloom for a year or two if they are moved. Soil fertility doesn't seem to affect flowering, nor does fertilization seem to make a huge difference. Best of all they are deer and rodent resistant!
For years of easy care, beautiful flowers each August, this bulb is an excellent choice!

By: Sandy Weinkam
A.J. Rahn Greenhouses