Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Electric Blanket Shrub/Groundcover Rose

Electric Blanket Rose

Electric Blanket Rose, a shrub/groundcover type of rose, has clusters of lightly scented coral colored double flowers. The foliage is glossy dark green and highly disease resistant, making this rose relatively maintenance free. It's growth habit is low to the ground, reaching only 2'-3' in height, making it a good choice for small spaces. Uses include slopes, rock gardens, or just as a front for taller hybrid teas or other tall rose bushes or perennials. As with all roses, they prefer full sun, regular fertilization, and 1" of water a week for best flower production. Calico suggests you come in and see these beauties before they are sold out!

By Sandy Weinkam
Gardening Expert at AJ Rahn Greenhouses