Sunday, July 12, 2009

Jade Plant - Crassula ovata

Jade Plant
Crassula ovata

The Jade plant may be one of the most familiar houseplants, with it's thick branches and succulant dark green leaves. It is very adaptable to low or high light, but does best when it receives bright indirect light. As with most succulants, the jade prefers to dry out between waterings, and overwatering will lead to stem rot.
Fertilize during the growing season with an all purpose houseplant fertilizer according to directions on the package, but refrain from fertilizing during the fall and winter months.
Mature plants will bloom with hundreds of star shaped white to pale pink blossoms. Cool, dry conditions for several weeks followed by regular watering will help trigger blooming.

By Doris Koop
Gardening Expert at A.J. Rahn Greenhouses