Saturday, August 1, 2009

Perennial Hibiscus

Perennial Hibiscus

Perennial Hibiscus are wonderfully easy plants to grow. They are not picky about soil, but prefer a soil amended with peat and compost. They grow best in at least 6 hours of sun, but would really like more. They bloom from July through August, according to variety, in a wide range of colors from reds to white and pinks and plum. Their blossoms are real eye catchers as they can be from 6-12" in diameter.
These perennials die back over winter, then emerge as one of the last to appear in late spring. They spend the early summer getting up to 4-6' high before buds begin to appear and the eye popping flowers open. Each flower lasts only one day, but once the plant is established will have many buds opening for up to a month or more. Water these plants frequently until they are well established (usually a year), thereafter only when it becomes very dry. Fertilize with an all purpose plant food when they begin to emerge every spring, then sit back and watch it take off to produce many years of enjoyment.
Calico checks on these beauties, pictured above, every day growing in our greenhouse garden. Stop by to see our selection soon!

By Sandy Weinkam
Gardening Expert at A.J. Rahn Greenhouses