Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Cyclamen persicum

Cyclamen are among the most beautiful and popular flowering plants. This winter blooming houseplant with butterfly shaped blooms comes in a range of colors, from Christmas reds, electric fuchsia pink, maroons and purples, to a very bright white. They have equally attractive variegated heart shaped leaves in deep green. They prefer bright light and a cool location such as a windowsill, and should only be watered when the top of the soil is dry to the touch. With proper care, cyclamen can bloom for up to four months.
In the spring, the plant can be moved outdoors to a semi shaded spot and watered occasionally. When it begins to show new growth in August, begin fertilizing it and watering more frequently. Move the plant indoors before the first frost and continue it's care indoors in a bright, cool location. Blooms will begin again in late November.

By: Sandy Weinkam
A.J. Rahn Greenhouses