Monday, December 7, 2009

Poisonous Poinsettias?

Poisonous Poinsettias??

Every year during the holiday season, we find it necessary to discuss an "Old Wives Tale" that continues to persist about poinsettias. It is alleged that parts or all of the poinsettia plant are poisonous to pets and/or people. This is definitely Not True! Poinsettias are not poisonous to people or pets. The Ohio State University in 1971 ran extensive studies on the toxicity of all parts of the poinsettia plant. This study was done in response to a movement to place safety caution tags on all plants deemed poisonous. Results of these tests were conclusive that no part of the poinsettia plant was poisonous to people or pets. At the time, the studies were reported on all news media, but every year since then, the myth has persisted. This is primarily due to lack of knowledge on the part of newscasters and, surprisingly, veterinarians.
So fear not! Enjoy the beauty of this seasonal house plant during the holidays, then cut them back in March and they will make great foliage plants outdoors in the summer.