Monday, March 22, 2010

Coleus Planting

Coleus Planting

This past week we continued our frantic pace of planting and seeding for spring. Tomatoes, herbs, and lettuces were seeded, as well as marigolds. Hanging impatiens pouches were planted in ten different solid colors, and a color mix . Impatiens baskets were also planted and hung in various houses to continue their growing cycle. Begonias, coleus, dahlias and snapdragons topped the list of other seedlings transplanted by our hard working crew. Special mention this week to our crew who place all these many trays and hanging baskets in their special growing houses. It's a back breaking, knee bending, up and down ladders kind of job, and we couldn't keep up the planting pace without their hard work!
Another warm, sunny, dry week once again kept the watering crew in their boots for most of every day. The plants are growing by leaps and bounds with all this gorgeous weather! A final disbudding of the Easter Mums was completed this past week. This process involves taking all the side flower buds off each stem of the mum plant, leaving the center bud. By doing this, the center bud develops into quite a large showy flower, creating a beautiful full plant for decorating your table.
The first of the early spring blooming perennials were brought out for sale. Many of these were planted last summer and fall as bare root, or seedlings or bulbs, and kept in greenhouses throughout the winter at just about 32F. Iberis, Bleeding Heart, Arabis, Polemonium and Forget Me Nots are all out and blooming now. Pansies and Violas are literally flying out the door, so we're also kept busy stocking the tables to keep up with the demand.

By: The Production Crew
A.J. Rahn's Greenhouses