Thursday, December 3, 2009


If you believe that "the bigger the better", then the Amaryllis is the flower for you. Amaryllis blooms can be 8-10" across, and frequently produce 3-4 flowers at a time atop each thick 1-2' tall stems. Colors include shades of whites, pinks, and reds, with new colors being hybridized every year.
Amaryllis appreciate tight quarters, so use a standard pot that is 2" larger in diameter than the bulb. When potted, the bulb should be about half to one third out of the soil. After potting, water the bulb thoroughly, then wait until the bulb begins to show new growth. When it does show new growth, begin watering it whenever the soil surface is dry to the touch.
Amaryllis prefer a bright window with at least half a day of sun. Fertilize once a month. After flowering, continue to water and fertilize.
In early fall, slow down on water until you are not watering at all. This plant needs 4-6 weeks of rest (No Water). After this rest period, cut off all yellow leaves and then lightly water. Watch for new growth to begin before returning to a regular water and fertilizer schedule, then watch your beautiful plant flower once again.

By Michelle Lynn
Gardening Expert at A.J. Rahn Greenhouses