Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Cactus

Christmas Cactus

Christmas Cacti have been favorite holiday houseplants for many years. They are easy to grow, and if given proper conditions will bloom regularly every Christmas. They come in a myriad of bright holiday colors including red, pink, and peach, as well as white. Despite the cactus name, these plants do not like to get desert dry between waterings like true cactus plants do. These are native to forests in Brazil and are frequently found growing in the crooks of branches in tropical forests along with orchids. Thus they prefer to be watered thoroughly when the surface of the soil is dry to the touch, then allowed to dry to the touch again before watering.
To encourage blooming, place them in a cool place, preferably around 50F for a few weeks, and cut back on water during this period. Once they set bud, keep them away from cool or warm drafts and resume proper watering, otherwise your buds will fall off without maturing into full flowers. Don't fertilize them during their flowering period, and allow them to rest for a month or two after flowering before resuming fertilizing. Any houseplant formula fertilizer will suffice according to directions on your fertilizer package. In the house they prefer bright indirect light, and can be placed outdoors in the spring and summer in a shady area.
Christmas Cacti prefer to be tight in a pot, but if repotting is necessary wait until early spring and use a well draining soil mixture. Choose a pot size only one size larger so as not to stress the plant. They also take well to pruning and shaping, but again wait until early spring to tackle this task. Leaf segments from pruning root easily in a rooting medium, allowing you to share this wonderful plant with others.
If you care for your Christmas Cactus properly, you will be enjoying it for many years. A number of people have related how they have inherited these plants from their Grandparents and know they are 30-40 years old! A true testament to their longevity and easy care!

By: Sandy Weinkam
Gardening Expert at A.J. Rahn Greenhouses