Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Orchid Cactus

Orchid Cactus

Orchid Cactus are very unique plants. Their native habitat is the jungles of south and central America and Mexico, but they will perform well as indoor houseplants if given some extra humidity. Humidity can be enhanced by placing a pebble tray with water in the pebbles under the plant pot. Their very fragrant flowers come in nearly every color except blue and are typically five inches across. They bloom spring through early summer when temperatures are warmer and daylight hours are longer. They need room to grow, at least a space three feet wide, that receives medium light. Morning or late afternoon sun, but no hot direct mid afternoon sun are the ideal lighting conditions. They prefer a rich well drained soil, and require very little fertilizer, preferably in early spring and then once more after blooming. Because their thick fleshy stems retain water well, they really only need to be watered once or twice a week spring through fall, then very sparingly during winter.If you supply your Orchid Cactus with these growing conditions, you will be rewarded with beautiful fragrant flowers year after year.

By Michelle Lynn
Gardening Expert at A.J. Rahn Greenhouses